So today, I fessed up to a major omission I made. In focusing so heartily on this paper on Unassisted Birth, I temporarily forgot that the rest of the world existed, and woke up in over my head. Today was spent writing concept maps for Anatomy and Physiology, my most loathesome task. Despite how much I enjoy the material I'm learning in that course, concept maps have got to be just about the most tedious way to learn it. Alas - they must be completed so I can move on to the mountain of readings that I've neglected in lieu of these projects! Aaah the lessons in time management that I could take if I had enough time between classes and projects to learn something else!
Really, though, the feeling of productivity - working toward a goal that I never thought I'd ever actually be able to make my way onto - is a good feeling indeed. Well, well worth the occasional windows of stress at the complexities of the urinary system.
The kids will be feeling the busy-ness this week as well. Generally, we've been able to keep their routine rather consistent, despite the fact that I've been much more absent this year than they were ever accustomed to. It did take them a while to get used to the change, but I can attribute a successful adjustment to the benefits of having a great combination of a flexible, patient partner, and equally flexible and patient childcare. You guys really make it happen!
Alas, the crazyness isn't about to let up anytime soon. Once classes finish, I begin full-time correspondence courses that I took on in order to lighten the already heavy load for this first year and a half of academics. But really - I love it that way! :) And besides, I'm stepping out to see Ina May Gaskin this Saturday!!! Only the biggest name in the world of midwifery! What a treat it will be to hear her speak human, non-YouTube reality. I can't wait! And by the way it sounds, I think half the people I know will be there as well! I'll have to be sure to spill out some of my inspiration and photos after this weekend.
And now, off to pull out a few more hairs while I battle with the urinary system!
Just wanted to pop over and say 'Hi'! I found your blog through the yahoo group Ontario Midwives to Be. I found out yesterday that I have an interview at Ryerson EEEK! and am just poking around to learn as much as I can. I will keep an eye out for your posts.