Living life and figuring it out, one little piece at a time

Friday, 18 March 2011

And so, it begins...

The path which I never though I'd have taken.  The blog which I laughed at the idea of writing.  Yet the time has flown by and I've seen a place for a blog.  If not for anyone else's sake, then for my own.  And for the sake of sharing some of the many things that I see that I want the world to see as well.  I guess Facebook just ain't enough these days!
And so, to introduce - the blog about my experience in the MEP, about being a mom and partner, living (yet these days, hardly ever being) in the bush, and random musings which may seem important.  I'm looking forward to sharing a few activism-based tidbits that might be lurking in the shadows.  You could say that my outlook on midwifery and life in general are a little more radical than some of my peers.  I like to think of this as individual strengths and weaknesses.  Take it how you will!

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