Well, another official school year has begun. My first day back in classes was also my daughter's first day of Grade 1. I have to admit I was pretty sad to not be able to see her off on her first day of "the real thing" school. She's been really nervous about the workload!
So have I, for my own classes! Thankfully we got a bit of a slow start and only half of our classes started the first week, so I eased into it fairly well this time around. Since my electives are now out of the way, I can focus only on core courses this semester: Clinical Skills, Reproduction/Physiology, and Pharmacotherapy. Don't be deceived by seeing only three courses though! The weight for Clinical Skills is equivalent to three courses (and the class time is the same or more if you factor in the extra workshops we have to do). Hence why I'm so glad I got those electives out of the way. There's no WAY I could handle a 7-credit course load with kids and a long commute!
What a privilege I always feel it is to be taught by such incredible, knowledgeable people. What I'm *most* excited about is that most of the grading this term is on exams and participation! So I get a bit of a "break" from writing essays (thank goodness, since I think I wrote 17 of them this summer!), and get to flex my "study" muscles.
Clinical Skills is a great class that I've been looking forward to since I got accepted into the program.It makes the first year's backgrounder type content much more real. Tomorrow we start doing/learning physical assessment! I can't wait to finally learn how to do all of these basic little things that will become part of every day.
I'm sure there will be lots more to post over the course (ha!) of the term, but for now, I need to lay my head down for a few short hours before I start my early morning treck to the big city again! : )